Location: Denison City Hall - 300 West Main Street, Denison Texas
Art in the Hall is a joint project between the City of Denison and Denison Arts Council.
Traditional, contemporary, and emerging area artists are invited to submit examples of their artwork for our “Art in the Hall” exhibition in downtown Denison, Texas.
This call is open to all area artists, art faculty and students at colleges, universities, and high school art students in their junior or senior year.
Solo and Group shows are available.
Chosen artist(s) are promoted and showcased by the City of Denison and Denison Arts Council.
Due to the highly public nature of the space, no nudity nor highly controversial art can be shown.
In addition to displaying your artwork, DAC provides promotion of the exhibit through our website, Facebook, and Instagram.
The Denison Arts Council manages coordination with the City to ensure all legal requirements and insurance issues are handled. Assistance with hanging the exhibit is also available.
This exhibition is open to all area artists. Artists may apply at any time.
Submissions are evaluated by the City and DAC prior to acceptance.
ELIGIBLE MEDIA includes paintings | photography | prints | textile | illustrations
Contact: denisonarts@gmail.com
How to Use ArtCall to Enter Your Artwork: